Thursday May 29, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm PDT
The Clinical Director for CTRI has over 30 years of trauma exposure by supporting and treating the most vulnerable clients: children, sexual violence, families of homicide, terrorist attacks and first responders. This includes her role as Director for a Muli Disciplinary Children’s Advocacy Centre in the USA for 8 years.
There is growing evidence that the impact of directly supporting others through experiences of trauma goes beyond burnout or fatigue. The toll of witnessing intense human experiences and emotions can contribute to a negative transformation of a helper’s own sense of safety, and of being competent and purposeful. This workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to examine their own experiences and become aware of the signs of both vicarious trauma and vicarious growth. Gain insights for connecting with your values, beliefs and joy, to build a more sustainable and transformative self-care plan. Participants will hear how the presenter was able to repair the negative effects of trauma exposure and accelerate her resilience where she continues to treat First Responders who have PTSD.
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Joddie Walker

Joddie Walker, MSc, RP, CTRP-Clinical, D.A.A.E.T.SClinical Director for CTRIJoddie is the Clinical Director for the Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (CTRI) and owner/Clinical Director of Hummingbird Therapy Clinic. Joddie holds a Masters of Science in Forensic Psychology and is... Read More →
Thursday May 29, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm PDT
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